• The Science of Immortality

    Updated: 2010-06-30 20:39:20
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Ambitious Problem-Solving for the Future The Copenhagen Declaration on Religion in Public Life Open Source Technology for Building Resilient , Self-Reliant Communities Science is Not My Higher Power Skeptically Speaking : Transhumanism Why Should We Extend Human Rights to Mindclones The Science of Immortality The End of Education Apocalypse No The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us TransAlchemy on Postgenderism : Beyond the Gender Binary IEET White Paper 03 Jun 30, 2010 haig on Science is Not My Higher Power Jun 30, 2010 artvladi on Postgenderism : Beyond the Gender Binary IEET White Paper 03

  • Ben Goertzel The End of Education

    Updated: 2010-06-30 20:39:20
    As civilization has advanced, education has become increasingly important—and increasingly pervasive. This trend will continue until “education” as a separate categories dies, replaced for those who choose to grow by learning that thoroughly pervades life.

  • Skeptically Speaking: Transhumanism

    Updated: 2010-06-30 20:39:20
    IEET Board Member George Dvorsky and blogger Greg Fish appear on the “Skeptically Speaking” podcast to discuss the predictions and the problems in the quest to enhance human beings. How will advancing technology affect our bodies, our lives, and our society? Also, another installment of “Everything You Know is Sort of Wrong” with Greg Laden.

  • The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

    Updated: 2010-06-30 20:39:20
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Ambitious Problem-Solving for the Future The Copenhagen Declaration on Religion in Public Life Open Source Technology for Building Resilient , Self-Reliant Communities Science is Not My Higher Power Skeptically Speaking : Transhumanism Why Should We Extend Human Rights to Mindclones The Science of Immortality The End of Education Apocalypse No The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us TransAlchemy on Postgenderism : Beyond the Gender Binary IEET White Paper 03 Jun 30, 2010 haig on Science is Not My Higher Power Jun 30, 2010 artvladi on Postgenderism : Beyond the Gender Binary IEET White Paper 03

  • Open Source Technology for Building Resilient, Self-Reliant Communities

    Updated: 2010-06-30 20:39:20
    Marcin Jakubowski spoke at the Humanity+ Summit in December 2009 about his work on building open source tools and technologies for use by local, self-reliant communities. See also: Open Source Ecology  

  • Ambitious Problem-Solving for the Future

    Updated: 2010-06-30 20:39:20
    We must develop innovative problem-solving skills to face the complex world of the future—and to raise standards of living across the world. Now, for the first time in history, the entire world community is able to communicate, across borders and nationalities, to share strategies and seek solutions.

  • Cryonics and fear of the future

    Updated: 2010-06-30 17:24:38
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Cryonics and fear of the future By Aschwin de Wolf on June 30th , 2010 To people who have made cryonics arrangements the biggest mystery remains why more people have not made the same decision . The most obvious answer remains that cryonics has not been proven to work” yet . People who give this answer usually mean that proof of human suspended animation would lead to an increase in the popularity of cryonics . But even if suspended animation would be technically feasible there would still be the remaining obstacles of finding a cure for whatever

  • Hard determinism and the problem of evil

    Updated: 2010-06-26 04:31:29
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Hard determinism and the problem of evil By Aschwin de Wolf on June 25th , 2010 In  an insightful and well organized article PDF Nick Trakakis asks the question whether the existence of evil presents a bigger problem for theologies that do not allow any room for free will . He offers a number of theodicies that are available to the divine determinist” and concludes that although hard determinism introduces complications , these complications are not greater than alternative theological views that permit God less control over His creation . The article

  • Singularity Summit 2010: Register Now!

    Updated: 2010-06-25 00:34:24
    There only a week to register for our conference before the price goes up again — right now it is $485. Students get $100 off. For every non-student you refer who signs up, you get an additional $100 off, with no limit. How do referrals work? Get your friend to sign [...]

  • weird things vs. the transhumanists

    Updated: 2010-06-24 05:41:05
    Since its first days, this blog has tackled the predictions of the Technological Singularity and hosted debates and discussions about artificial intelligence, cognition, and our future. And tomorrow, the debates culminate in what could only be described as a no-holds-barred radio brawl between transhumanist George Dvorsky and myself… By which I actually mean that George [...]

  • Official Alcor Facebook Page

    Updated: 2010-06-16 02:03:16
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Official Alcor Facebook Page By Aschwin de Wolf on June 15th , 2010 Alcor Life Extension Foundation is on Facebook . If you would like to connect with Alcor members and supporters then visit the official Facebook : page http : www.facebook.com alcor.life.extension.foundation Become a fan and encourage interested friends , family members , and colleagues to support Alcor . too Categories : Cryonics Tags : Alcor Cryonics Facebook Related Posts Alcor announces new job openings and funding for improved patient care Interview with Alcor member David Croft

  • Cryonics Oregon june meeting report

    Updated: 2010-06-08 23:55:23
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death , Liberty Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Cryonics Oregon june meeting report By Ben Best on June 8th , 2010 About 35 people attended the Cryonics Oregon-sponsored debate on the subject of SENS Chana de Wolf was mistress of ceremonies . A show of hands indicated that the great majority of those attending were signed-up cryonicists . There was a sizeable contingent of CI Members who drove down from Seattle for the event . One was Eron Hennessey who bid 100 for an autographed Nanomedicine book by Robert Freitas that was auctioned for the benefit of James Swayze who also attended the event The

  • Singularity Summit 2010: Last Day for Best Discount

    Updated: 2010-06-07 21:36:10
    The Singularity Summit 2010 features a variety of discounts for registration, including $100 off for students and $100 off for every non-student referral. However, the greatest discounts are for registering early — there is a $300 discount off the at-the-door cost of the conference if you register by midnight tonight, Monday the 7th. [...]

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